A chronicle of the meanderings, false starts (which in retrospect, while sort of embarrassing turned out to be highly instructive), epiphanies, selective apathy (still evolving), wild mood swings, opinions (subject to frequent change), and life lessons of an inveterate dabbler (and her latest dabblings).

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Use What You Have Pt III/Fun With Earwires

I was musing in the car the other day about my strands and strands of tiny top-drilled gemstone teardrops which I have so far found mostly useless. I wondered if THIS might work:
Tangerine Dream
I played with it in the car, and I almost had it. Fiddled with it some more at home, and eventually figured out how to wrap it so it would stay put and look good. (Hopefully I'll remember how I did it later...) Tumbled this pair for hours and the design was solid.

These are carnelian teardrops with faceted red/black agate rounds.

I also did up a pair in amethyst:
Purpophilia extremesis
It was a bit of a challenge finding drops that were roughly the same size, but it's kind of a rustic design anyway so there's some leeway.

I have lots of glass drops too that are more uniform--looking forward to giving those a try too!

I love the immediate gratification of earrings.


  1. Meravigliosi!!! Sai sempre superare te stessa!!!

  2. Earrings are a fast creation. Those turned out well. Hope they are not too heavy.

  3. I love making earrings. Maybe it's because of that instant gratification as you said.

    I love your earrings. They look so yummy! Love how you used up those top-drilled drops. I get so agrivated with these and usually give up.

  4. Very pretty! You put those stones to good use.
    I've been on a bead diet, too. I've not bought anything but wire and sheet metal for months and I'm beginning to get antsy for more goodies ;) Thank goodness I've had some good trades.

  5. I love what you're doing. I need to do that as well, but I need more time in the day first. Seems like I can't get anything accomplished these days. Keep up making and sharing these pretties!!

  6. Well done! I have a few of those type beads as well. They look so good on the strand and are a mystery to use off of the strand. Love this.

  7. That would also make a great link on a bracelet or necklace. I truly admire what you are doing and really need to get my arse inspired to do the same! Enjoy the day, you clever girl you! Erin

  8. Love them! I agree about top drilled beads, I always have a tough time figuring out what to do with them...you came up with a great solution!

  9. Really really interesting. I did break down and buy some things, but I NEEEEEEEDED them to make things for my show!

  10. Love these! Totally makes this design OOAK!

  11. Inspired as always. I recently used three grouped together (alternating direction like you did) as an accent in a necklace. It really added an interesting element.

  12. I really love your works and these earrings are simply beautiful! Congrats
