A chronicle of the meanderings, false starts (which in retrospect, while sort of embarrassing turned out to be highly instructive), epiphanies, selective apathy (still evolving), wild mood swings, opinions (subject to frequent change), and life lessons of an inveterate dabbler (and her latest dabblings).

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Leather: The Path to Casualness

Plowing through more of my stash of lampwork--these again by BeingBeads in an amber and blue granite pattern. I wanted to do something a little more casual and rustic-feeling, so I got myself in the mood with some deerskin lace in cocoa from Magpie Gems. I started out with some very lightly oxidized brass beadcaps, but they added too much glitter to it and just weren't giving me the rustic feeling I wanted. So instead I used the same beadcaps, but deeply oxidized in ammonia fumes to a dark bronze. I added more of my teal quartz (wish I had bought four strands instead of two...), a little wood, and some nifty fluted dark brass tube beads I got locally. The connectors are the ring halves of some little brass toggle clasps. I wrapped the leather ends in oxidized brass wire and finished it off with a hand-formed brass S-clasp. It's about 19" long.


  1. This is gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Absolutely - you have captured the essence of casual! Perfect with jeans, a T and sandals...
    What's the next you have up your sleeve? ;)

  3. I have another one ready to be photographed--can't get the pics right! I'll try again today...(ivory raku, wood and silver)

  4. Droooooool! This may be my favorite thing that you've made to date. The colors are just gorgeous together and I love the look of the wire wrapping against the leather. Truly fantastic!

  5. I'd this page still active? Love your work? Still selling????

    1. Thanks! If you click on the title banner at the top of the page it will take you to cerebraldilettante.blogspot.com (my main blog address) where my most recent posts can be seen. I do still post occasionally, and sell a little here and there at my Etsy shop (see sidebar), although I am very busy with my day job so I don't make a lot of jewelry anymore. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. I'd this page still active? Love your work? Still selling????
