A chronicle of the meanderings, false starts (which in retrospect, while sort of embarrassing turned out to be highly instructive), epiphanies, selective apathy (still evolving), wild mood swings, opinions (subject to frequent change), and life lessons of an inveterate dabbler (and her latest dabblings).

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Every Day

is Bead Porn Day at The Cerebral Dilettante. Because I'm just not that organized.

Today is devoted to Pewter Porn.

I stopped by the knitting shop (finally) to pick up some pewter buttons because Erin Prais-Hintz dared me to use a button in something. (Because I mentioned I really needed to learn how to use buttons). FINE. Here they are:

No, they're not terribly button-like. I'm starting out slow with the button thing.

And I got another dang email from Happy Mango Beads about another one of their silly pewter sales so I had to buy these pewter totem beads:

Pictured clockwise from upper left are an owl (upside-down, sorry), an orca (also upside-down), a frog, a raven (again, upside-down), a salmon and another salmon (both naturally upside-down), and two suns in the middle. I'm thinking a bracelet or two, maybe some simple knotted necklaces. Not sure I will be able to resist the impulse of turning the two suns into earrings. Really heavy earrings.


  1. Love the buttons! Leaf will make a cool toggle

  2. yeah, that's what I was thinking. Really puzzling over how to do it though. I sort of don't want the leaf to be horizontal but I don't know if I can do that. The underside is going to be ugly.

  3. Sure, go ahead, steal my porn idea. Before you know it, porn will be everywhere all over the internet and...oh, wait.

    Love the loot. Those pewter totem beads totally rock!

  4. I'm with KJ! Love this loot!
    I am glad to have inspired you to support your local economy...now come on...get those synapses firing on all cylinders... I know you can do it. Those buttons are really much cooler than the ones I have. I will have to start stalking yarn shops. Hmmm...I know you don't want to put more holes in a button (I mean they already have them!) but what if you did holes at either end, one larger for a handmade galvanized steel hook to go through, and then used the holes in the middle for adding some dangly bits... just a thought! Can't wait to see what you do!
    Enjoy the day!
    P.S. If you feel the need to reciprocate, I love a challenge! Throw one my way!

  5. Lovely finds! I'm particularly fond of your owl totem. I think I might just go out and get one.

    Thanks for sharing!

  6. Umm ... you know if you had flipped the photograph the other way up, you wouldn't have so many beads upside down ...
