A chronicle of the meanderings, false starts (which in retrospect, while sort of embarrassing turned out to be highly instructive), epiphanies, selective apathy (still evolving), wild mood swings, opinions (subject to frequent change), and life lessons of an inveterate dabbler (and her latest dabblings).

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Acquired Wealth

As opposed to inherited wealth. I have neither. (Unless you count my beads. I have converted a good portion of my negotiable currency to beads and bead-related items. When we experience a complete societal breakdown and dissolution of our financial markets I'll be the richest broad in town.)

The pendant on the necklace above was entitled, on the Happy Mango Beads site where I found it, "Acquired Wealth." Maybe this is what rich Ghanaians wear, or used to wear, as a badge of wealth. I don't know. But I keep rubbing it like a Buddha, hoping some of that wealth will come my way. (Well, if somebody buys it, it will.)

I was sitting in my studio (which we also use as a living room), pondering what I should make, feeling a little bit of designer's block. I went and pawed through my pendant stash and came up on this one, with a vague idea for a color scheme. I actually then completed a necklace with it and didn't like it. So I cut it up and started over. Kept the garnet and carnelian, and added the "trade beads" (I'm not entirely sure about this, as the 12-year-old clerk at the bead store seemed to be improvising when I asked her what they were--if anybody can verify this, please do!). They look like red agate to me with some sort of etched stripe applied--they're really stunning. (The little girl also informed me they were planning to stick around, which I hope was true.) I'm wishing now I had used some wire spiral tubes I made instead of the commercial ones that are on there, but I think it's all right.

I really need to get a life.


  1. What!? Get a life??? And stop making jewelry??? Don't you dare!
    Love the necklace!

  2. This is just awesome - I love it! Also, when the end of the world comes, I will be right there bartering beads along with you!
